OREP 016 | How to increase your credit score quickly and easily with Sandra Ruiz
Who is Sandra Ruiz?
CEO – Sandra Ruiz was a mortgage broker and saw firsthand how bad credit was affecting her clients. In order to help them qualify for home loans, she began working to repair their credit and, within a few months, she was able to increase their scores to the point that they qualified for great rates for the homes they wished to purchase or refinance. Sandra’s success in helping people restore their good credit convinced her to switch professions and become a credit repair specialist and form Fix Your Credit Consulting.
Increase your bottom line (by reducing your cost of capital) with a higher credit score!
On this episode of the Optimized Real Estate Podcast, my guest Sandra Ruiz of Fix Your Credit Consulting shares some of her top strategies for quickly and easily increasing your credit.
Reach out to Sandra for a Free Consultation (she only takes on clients if she can deliver results!)…
https://fixyourcreditconsulting.com/ contact@fixyourcreditconsulting.com
See Results in as little as 30-90 days. Most clients work with Sandra/FYCC for ~6 months