OREP 014 | Systems before Leads with Danny Johnson
Who is Danny Johnson?
Danny’s been flipping houses/wholesaling houses/renting/owner financing since 2003.
During that time he’s
Done nearly 1,000 real estate deals
Become financially free
Wrote Flipping Houses Exposed: 34 Weeks in the Life of a Successful House Flipper
Started the Flipping Junkie Blog and Podcast (over 1 million downloads)
Founded LeadPropeller (real estate investor websites)
Founded the best real estate investor CRM – Forefront CRM (lead/deal pipeline software)
Notes :
How his lead conversion went from 2% to over 20% by implementing follow-up systems and automations
How Mindset can make all the difference
How he used his Blog to keep himself accountable - https://flippingjunkie.com/
How and when to focus on the right systems to do more deals and make more money
Why speed-to-lead is so important, and how to use technology to convert deals
How to use text messages (the best follow-up medium) to develop rapport and get more call backs, including his top 4 tips to texting…
1. Always ask a question
2. Keep the message short "are you still thinking about selling?"
3. Personalize it, and if you are using the Forefront CRM, you'll know the time of the message, and can say "good morning" or "good evening"
4. Send messages at random times… and not too early or too late!
Book: Flipping Houses Exposed https://a.co/d/f67LMnc (which Bill Allen of 7 Figure Flipping attributes his early success - https://www.7figureflipping.com/)
How many leads are you converting? If your lead conversion sucks, you are flushing money down the toilet.
Most investors don't need more leads, They need better systems. Let technology do the work!
The Forefront CRM has automated sequences
Measure what matters, and what you are spending money on… analytics are key!
Don't focus on systems before you start generating leads... a spreadsheet is fine to start
Speed-to-call is key!
Those who stay in touch with their leads win. The hottest leads are the ones that call you months or years later because you stayed in touch
Be careful using your cellphone as the contact number, it could get spammed. Use a phone system, and keep track of what campaign the call is coming from… so you know what's working well and where to spend your lead-gen dollars
Are you using paper to keep track of your leads… if you do not have a process and your leads stack up (like mine did), you are literally burning hundreds if not thousands of dollars
How to go from a 1 in 45 conversion rate to 1 in 5! (that's a 1-2% to over 20% conversion rate). Danny talks about having 495 leads and only got 13 deals - is he was using his current systems, that would have been 100 deals!
When you grow, systems and teams are a requirement
Are you getting 5% to 10% conversion rate, if not you need systems!
Launch Control
The Forefront CRM is your hub for leads, and automates lead follow-up to maximize conversion
Danny also provides a website that allows San Antonio homeowners to sell their house fast. Danny Buys Houses pays cash for houses in San Antonio and surrounding areas. If you have been saying, "I need to sell my house fast", you should check out their website.