
Quick Tip #002 | Are you making this mistake as a real estate investor?

Be sure to use your own title and escrow officer! As an investor you want to work with title and escrow people that understand how to work with an investor AND ones that are doing construction or include a renovation. Whenever I have allowed an unknown escrow officer manage the closing (I know what you're saying, you gotta smoking deal on a property and the seller wants to use their people, because they did "so much" work... I get it, but it doen't hurt to ask!!)….. but this has come back to bite me in the past, and I'm usually kicking myself for making that decision. I don't want an un-savvy escrow or title person impact your next deal.


Quick Tip #003 | As a real estate investor, are you focused on the right stuff?!


Quick Tip #001 | Don't leave the appraisal to chance